Week 17: Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Model
It's CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and all on GitHub
more ...It's CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and all on GitHub
more ...Building a drawing machine
more ...Spec'ing out a final project - WordClock2.0
more ...Writing an Android app that interfaces to the word clock over WiFi
more ...Using the ESP8266 to drive a custom I2C character LCD
more ...Creating a composite part from burlap and epoxy
more ...A custom PSoC 4 board to drive a 16x2 character LCD display
more ...PSoC 4 CapSense buttons and reading temperature using a TMP275
more ...Machining a positive in wax, casting a negative mould in silicone and then casting some parts in plaster and plastic
more ...Making a table on a large format CNC machine
more ...Designing a breakout board/shield for the CY8CKIT-049 4200 dev kit, including making a solder paste mask from a Kapton sheet
more ...Getting started with PSoC 4: flashing some WS2812b LEDs
more ...Using KiCad to design a test board for WS2812 LEDs with an ATtiny85
more ...Scanning a person, fixing the mesh in MeshMixer and printing a bust
more ...Scanning a broken oven knob on the Modela and printing it
more ...Make a FabISP (In-circuit Serial Programmer)
more ...A press-fit cardboard WordClock2.0 (and some vinyl cutting)
more ...Design, make and document a press-fit construction kit
more ...Making a 3D model in Inventor of WordClock2.0
more ...Making a website and planning a final project
more ...