Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income
What is this about?
CO. is a business idea that investigate innovative uses of the concrete that looks for develop new uses and interactions through design, art, architecture, etc. with the help of Fab Labs and the industry of cement.
CO. Light is one research division, a concreted and interactive open source RGB lamp thought and designed to be made in any Fab Lab, that means you can do it by yourself following the instructions.

How would be financed?
The Lamp is one of the many options that CO. concrete researching can do, basically needs to associate with a cement company interested in develop innovative concrete applications like Holcim that promotes by architectural competitions innovation and different types of uses of the concrete.
Second partner can be an academic institution like universities that have proper laboratories for make the prototypes and testes.
What type of company would be?
Semi private company.
What type of License would have?
MIT License (MIT)
What will It be required?
Will need prototyping machines like: -Full size metal and wood CNC machine -Metal wire bender machine -Laser cutter -Vibration desk
Hardware and Softwares like: -Rhino 3D Modelling Licenses -Adobe Suit Licenses -Computers -Management softwares
Skilled and design passionate people like: -Artist -Graphic and industrial designers -Architects -Interested and curios -Managers -Publicist or other focused on marketing and markets aperture -Sellers
Others: -1 bag concrete mixer -Carpentier tools -Tools for metal -Tools in general
How will be the industrial production?
To fabricate it industrially first need a space, basically 70 to 100 meters is enough including working desk spaces, vibrator desk, concrete mixer, semi-finish product area and packaging and storage area.
Is basically a short chain of work, is possible to rent or pay for the cutting machines because results cheaper. The cost of the machines is high and having machines require more space finally increasing so much the direct cost. And even more because we do not need the machines 100% of the time. So the creatives, research and design area could be placed close to the academic institution and when they need to use the machine o make prototypes can easily go to this place.
How much it cost the Lamp?
The cost for 1: (1 kg cement) -Cement: 6€ -Wood: 20 € -CNC machine cut: 35 € (30 mins) -Electronics: 20 €
The cost for 10: (5 kg cement) -Cement: 6€ -Wood: 60 € -CNC machine cut: 70 € (60 mins) -Electronics: 150 €
The cost for 100: (1 50 kg cement bag) -Cement: 25€ -Wood: 200 € -CNC machine cut: 180 € (190 mins) -Electronics: 450 €