Fab Academy Class 2014

Week 1: Project management

For this week we learned about project management and how to keep a track of our documentation by making a personal website. In that website we were supposed to talk about ourselves and our final projects.

First I installed Mercurial and got a clone from the archive using this tutorial for installing Mercurial on Mac. I also learned how Mercurial works here.

There are some commands in Mercurial that I needed to understand well. First I had to note that there is one important directory on my computer after installing the mercurial and that is the .hg directory. The .hg directory is considered as the local repository. When I got I got clone, in fact I made a directory which was my active directory and it came under the .hg directory. The real repository is on the server side of the fabacademy. Let's call fabacademy repository as Remote, the .hg as local and the active directory under that as myActive.

hg pull --> data comes from remote to local

hg update --> data comes from local to myActive

hg add --> adds all the changes to myActive (before executing hg add the files should be already in the student folder.)

hg commit -m "a message "--> data goes from myActive to local

hg push --> data goes from local to remote.


The other task was to design a website. I found some good free applications on my iphone on Udemy and tried to do some HTML and CSS. Then I got looked into former student pages and from Astrid's page I got a template from www.free-templates.org and started to write my contents on that.

Final project

For the final project I had several ideas that they were not very practical in the course time. In one of the later sessions Neil suggested that making a soldering iron is a good final project that can combine different skills together. I aimed for it and I updated this part after that. Below it comes the sketch of my final project.










This template was provided free by www.free-templates.org