Fab Academy 2014

Module 01

Principles and Practices

This module was an introduction to the class and what's coming up. Neil Gershenfeld gave us a rapid tour of the world of digital and what fablabs are. I do not intend to retransmit the entire class as this can be found on the course material of Fab Academy.


I'm sorry but I'd rather not write about concept I don't fully grasp (if you perceive a euphemism here, you're correct). So I'll be short and invite you to refer to the class material for in depth exploration.

Basically CNC –which stands for computer numerical control, makes it possible to digitize fabrication. And the source of digitization is the threshold theorem.

Fab Labs

The whole fab lad concept is well documented on the fablabs official web. I’ll simply jot down some of the ideas grabbed along the way:

  • A FabLab is a library for a new kind o literacy.
  • Fablabs evolve: in Fablab 1.0 we buy the machines, in Fablab 2.0, we’ll build the machines
  • An issue that still needs resolving is the capacity for a machine to build a machine bigger than itself.