For my Final project, i will be using the Sim module with Arduino to send the alert messages to the receiver side which should be the authority. Before beginning, i had to buy a number with sim size suitable with the available holder on the module, in addition to buying data and voice packages for the number so that i can use it. The connection is as follows:
- To be powered externally through pins or mini usb cable.
- PD2 Tx (software serial) to U_RXD of sim.
- PD3 Rx (software serial) to U_TXD of sim.
- If it was connected through the mini USB, PWR pin on sim module to be connected to the VVC_IN on the sim module.
- Connect GROUND to common ground on PCB
I used PD2 & PD3 pins as software serial. First step was to check the signal using the testing code, it starts Handshaking with SIM and do a Signal quality test where value range is 0-31 and 31 is the best, the reads the SIM information to confirm whether the SIM is plugged and finally check whether it has registered in the network.
After that i tested calling a number and the result is shown, i do faced some errors which i didnt't really find an answer, sometimes restarting works, and sometimes i change the number format (removing + sign) and it works. For the project i will be needing to send the alerts as messages, which i tested at last. The main difference between the calling code and the sms code, is that after handshaking, the modes are chosen, ATD for calling, AT+CMGF=1 for configuring text mode.