In the previous weeks, we were able to to Fabricate and program the FabTinyISP (In System Programmer), using a ready schematic. This week we were able to design a circuit from scratch mainly using Eagle Software and following the same steps in the previous week for milling, specifically we will modify the echo hello-world board by adding at least two components to it, an LED and a button. This board will be used for the coming weeks to program it.
Since i'm using a Mac, most of the softawres that i used to use in the previous years couldn't be installed since they are only compatible with windows, such as Circuit Maker & Multisim which have simulation option. So i searched and found a software called EasyEDA that also have simulation. I did give it a try even though it was very hard to look for the same components footprint for fablab, but since it won't be printed, i just proceeded with what i found. After finishing the circuit connections, i tried to run it for simulation but got stuck on an error, i will try to figure it out soon.
FlatCAM is an open source software used for milling bordas. It can open Gerber, Excellon or G-code, and gives the option to either edit it or create from scatch, and output file in the G-Code format. It also offers isolation routing and can visualize the pcb to know exactly how the milling machine is going to make the PCB.
For milling my PCB, i had the following sequence: Traces, FT232RL, Drilling and cutting profile. The traces are for creating the path, routes and padding for the pcb using 1/64 milling bit. The FT232RL since it has tiny legs, i used the isolation mode to only mill that part after the main traces using 1/128 milling bit. Then for the headers and cutting the outline, drilling was used.
One point that i need to mention is that Flatcam wasn't installed on my Mac, and i found out that many users faced the same problem, so i had to use windows to use flatcam.
Creating a circuit from scratch using Eagle was an interesting experience as it was my first time, but i had previous experience with making circuits using different softwares, which made it easier for me to use.