Week 9: Input Devices

Group Assignment:
1) Probe an input device's analog levels and digital signals.

Individual Assignments:
1)Measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it.


Me and my collegues were not able to complete this week's group assignment due to Coronavirus.


Useful research and learning links:
- How does a pull up resistor works?
- Book "Make: avr programming" chapter 6
- What is a voltage divider?
- Groove kit
- IDE Arduino's language

Because Italy is in total lockdown my instructor sent me a box filled with sensors, actuators, an arduino board and a groove kit so that I can test all of these components.

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- Arduino Uno
- Grove system kit
- Button
- Slide button
- Light sensor
- Rotary angle sensor
- Ultrasonic sensor
- Buzzer
- LED socket
- Touch sensor
- Temperature sensor
- RBG color sensor
- Display
- Usb cable
- Jumpers


I started testing the button on Arduino. I got the code from SeeedStudio which was this:

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I gave the commands to compile and run the sketch and the button worked righ away turning on and off the LED on the board:

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N.B. I attached the button to the D2 pins because that was what was written in the code (D is for digital). If I wanted to attach the button to another pin I should have changed the code.

Temperature sensor
I then wanted to test an analog sensor so I tried out the temperature. As I did before I got the code from SeeedStudio which was this:

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This was the feedback I got opening the serial monitor on IDE Arduino after compiling and running the sketch:

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Ultrasonic sensor

After the button and the temperature sensor I tried a cooler sensor: the ultrasonic sensor! This is the code I used on Arduino:

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And this is how I connected the sensor to the board using jumpers. I had to be carefull and connect GND to GND, VCC to V5. Then I had two other pins on the sensor: TRIG (output) and ECHO (input). I downloaded the board's datasheet and I cheched which pins were which and I was then able to make the right connections.

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This was the output on the serial monitor:

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And in this video I show you how it actually works live:

Light sensor

This is the light sensor testing I had in my box. As usual, I got the code from SeeedStudio and I created with it a new sketch on IDE Arduino:

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This is the connection I made based on the code:

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And this is the output on the serial monitor:

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Touch sensor

Another super cool sensor to test was the touch sensor. To work out the functioning I looked up the instructions on SeeedStudio because I found out I had to use two components: the touch sensor and the LED socket with and blu LED through hole. This is the code:

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With the help of a multimeter (that my collegue Elena had, thank you!) I found out that the long bar of the through hole LED is positive so I inserted where the + was written on the LED socket. And this is the result:

Board Design

I used Eagle to design an Attiny45 board adding a thermistor and this are the schematic and the board:

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- https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/pull-up-resistors/all
- https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/voltage-dividers/all
- http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove_System/
- https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/



- Thermoresistor Eagle files
- board
- components
- traces
- outlines