20. Project development

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.

Presentation files:



Go to final Project

Project output

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

For my project , I am happy with the good level I atteint, my journey in fabacaemy helped me a lot , I completed my robot design as well as the electronic production was also succesfull it was too enjoyable. In general I succeeded in my project in a remarkable level , but , in other hand the programming was difficult , It can be more good than the result I atteint, for that I need to work more in that side .

what’s working? what’s not?

In a good level , my robot worked , the electronic part and the design in the 3d printing side and the laser cutting, as I said before the programming level was difficult and complexe it needed more carriness and work but in general it worked , I am happy because I learned a lot in my fabacademy long journey , I meet a lot of people whom helped me and of course our precious instructor Daniele^^

what questions need to be resolved?

I would like to say that the main question to be asked in this side is if my robot fits the needs of its mission? in the degree I atteint , Is my robot well constracted to work well in its task I created for? With the collaboration of the other fablabs and my friend all over the fnetwork will upgrade my robot to handle more than mission ? is the size of my robot fits all the mission requirements?

what will happen when?

In the near futur , I will collaborate with my friends , and the fablab netwark to upgrade my robot to another level in all its side , for the electronic, I will reproduce another new board with the new protocols , for the design I will use new materials more light and in the same time stark , I will also think about developping a software in stand of the remote controller for a good controlling , I will remain the radio protocol I used in the communication but, I hope a new technology will apear in the near futur and I will replace It , all these ideas are in my mind I am challanging myself and I hope I will scceed to do it, maybe If all these ideas became true my project will be a good product for selling ^^

What have you learned?

I am totally thankful for this opportunity I had, and Iam so happy to be a part of and to paticipate in the fabacademy course , My journey was very educative , I learned a lot of new things, the most Important added value is that I became a person who think in a different manner , I meant that I can do almost anything and transforme my thoughts into realty, despide , this field is new for me but, a good carness and a push up helped me to scceed , the help of my instructor Daniele and all my friends in the fablab as well as my company Matrix , I learned how to use CNC , laser ,the 3D printing machines , soldring , design , programming , boards design it was one of my best experience in my life and Iam too happy to go throught this adventure ^^