2. Project management

As the Assignments second part, we had to build our personal website using the Markdown which appeared to be is a very easy tool to use that especially with the help of the Tutorial . first of all I downloaded the Brackets , which is a software used to edit and design what do you want on your page!

Working on Markdown:

SO What is Markdown?

  • When you add bold, italics, numbered lists, bullet points, headings, and so on to text, you’re “formatting” it. Markdown is a syntax—or, set of rules—that formats text on web pages.

How Do You Use Markdown?

To use Markdown, you just apply simple tags to your text. For example, to format text in italics, you put underscores around it like so: this is some text in italics.

  • Here are some other examples of Markdown formatting from the syntax guide:


  • (# This is an H1)
  • (## This is an H2)
  • (###### This is an H6)

Numbered Lists

    1. Bird
    1. McHale
    1. Parish


  • bold
  • italics

Insert image in Markdown :

  • To insert an image you write this syntax

  • ![] (../images/image ref.jpg).

Git download on laptop

so what is Git?

  • While going through so many videos and web tutorials in nut shell I got to know that it’s basically a Version control system.

  • A Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later.

Account on gitlab

First, you need to creat an account in these two websites : fablabs ,then on fabcloud after that you sign in for Git.

working on Git bash, version control git setup.

_User name:

  • git config –global user.name “your name”


  • git config –global user.email “your email”

ssh key Generating :#

Generate the ssh key using the command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “your_email”

Copy the ssh key shown by the command: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Paste the ssh key to gitlab website.

git clone

Git clone Paste “the link”

cd “link of your local file you made for gitlab”

Git status

The status checking:

Checking the status tells the current scenario: what is happening in your repository, how many files are there, which are not added so everything should come responsive.

The website creation, modification and Git push to download the work from the brackets (MarkDown) to Git account.

Files pushing:

To send the file to your repository basically three commands are written in this sequential manner which are :

1_git add -all

2_git commit -m “new version”

3_git push

tools used :

(Brackets,MarkDown,GitBash and Gitlab web site )