Mechanical & Machine Design

This week’s mission focuses on how to make a small machine from scratch so that it performs a specific task. We have chosen the idea of ​​a machine that can drop the gum periodically when given the space for it. This week is considered the week of teamwork so the roles were divided and my task was to program the electronic board and write The code.

As shown in the design, two entrances were placed through which the gum could be passed, and the machine was programmed on the sensor system, meaning that the circular disk that holds the two inputs can sense the movement of the gum when it enters the holes, which allows it to pass by giving it some time and turning half a cycle.

By touching the wire, the machine can make a half-turn. Through this cycle, the gum will fall through the holes.

To stop the machine, the disc will stop in the case where the tablet does not carry the gum, meaning that the tablet will focus on the side that does not carry the gum, while the other side is carrying the gum, and as a result of stopping it, no other gum can be dropped.

This disc can be stopped through the device placed under the disc, as this device can control the rotation of the disk and its ability to rotate through the wheel that carries it, when the wheel is rotated, the disc can rotate by half a turn, while the disc is stopped by stopping the wheel, which is what It impedes the movement of the disc to ensure that it is not moved again. This device is small and unreliable, so it is good to use a more powerful motor next time !!

The video above demonstrates how dropping gum through holes works.

The code that was uploaded to the electronic board of Wala’a was used. This code works by a rotating mechanism, and when the wire is touched it rotates in the other direction.

We have made some adjustments to the code that was written to program the electronic board, in addition to correcting some errors, but we can still reach a better result, as the board sometimes cannot work properly, and as it appeared in the video above, so we still need some adjustments That makes the process more accurate.

The video above shows the mechanism of the motor that was used to start and stop.


Files - Open Source

Arduino Code Group Assignment