W19│ Invention, Intellectual Property and Income

Individual Assignment:

  • Develop a plan for dissemination of my final project

I'm really engage with the social possibilities of my project and I plan to develop and include to it more features (for medical purposes) for example: Doctors can track patient's routines.

After looking for some information related to intelectual property, I chose to use Creative Commons because I can choose the conditions of the licence.

I decided to restric the comercial use of the product in case I want to create a business model from it.

Licencia Creative Commons
WakeUp Mat por Andrea Lazo Zúñiga se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

Future of the project

As I mentioned before, I want to increase the capabilities of the app for medical use. I'm looking foward to start working with a doctorm, a trainer andd a nutricionist that are very excited with the idea. My following steps will be: evaluate the product with potencial users to validate the concept, afterwards I will modify the prototype acording to the user's feedback. I also will use Business Model Canvas to develop the business idea and will launch it through a website and social media. I will also want to learn more about app's design and programming.

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