On this webpage, I will start defining my final project idea and start to get used to the documentation process.
What is my final project? Currently, my plan for my final project is to have a feeder and waterer suitable for poultry or
hogs that do not require daily upkeep. The feeder has the design of a small grain silo and can dispense user-specified
amounts of grain. The waterer is hooked up to a spigot/hose and refills when water levels are too low.
The waterer could potentially require 0 upkeep, while the feeder would require someone to fill the silo with more grain.
This week, for my final project, I learned how to use GitLab and Git Bash to push real-time changes to my website.
I also began researching some of the pieces/parts that would be required for my project, such as how to turn on a hose
remotely. To my knowledge, something like a servo motor would be best for the task. I finished sketches for the feeder
and waterer that will be part of my project. I need both to be winter-safe and remotely controllable. The waterer
will be the hardest to make winter-safe, because of the necessity of including heating coils and fully draining the hose
to prevent the water from freezing.