Mechanical Design¶

Group assignment:
- Design a machine that includes mechanism + actuation + automation + application
- Build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
- Actuate and automate your machine
- Document the group project
Individual assignment:
- Document your individual contribution
Group assignment¶
Here you can access the page we created with all the project documentation. Throughout the entire project each of us did a series of tasks reflected in the following list.
Task | Participant |
Organization of the parts and assembly of the structure | Luis & Pablo |
Assembly of the plastic parts in the structure | Luis & Pablo |
Assembly of the electronic components on the machine | Luis & Pablo |
Programming and electronics | Luis & Pablo |
Documentation: Web | Luis |
Documentation: Slide | Pablo |
Individual assignment¶
Last weekend, from April 1 to 3, we moved to the Fab Lab in León to carry out our group practice, and manufacture the HILO Spinning Machine.
The machine we decided to make belongs to studio HILO. studio hilo is defined as a Berlin-based studio for textile innovation. We rethink the textile industry by offering open tools, training and consultancy for small-scale textile manufacturing environments. HILO’s mission is to create playgrounds for independent yarn production. The HILO Spinning Machine (and Software) is an open source project by Studio HILO and allows users to produce their own customized yarn.
HILO studio has several open source machines to manufacture, in our case we manufacture the HILO Spinning Machine. The HILO Spinning Machine with its open-source software brings local yarn manufacturing into your workshop. You can choose your raw material, design the yarn properties and produce customized yarns on the spot.
Once in León we assembled the machine during the weekend, throughout the process Luis and I participated equally in the pending tasks to be done.
After assembling the machine and verifying that it worked correctly, we did the entire documentation process, in this process Luis was in charge of designing the web and video and I helped him with the texts and the slide of the project.

See you next week!