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16. Applications and implications

What will it do?

  • It is a configurable device that shows that shows only the notifications that are important to you.
  • The device is connected to your smartphone using bluetooth.
  • The notifications will be tracked and sent to the device using an app.
  • Different “Notification flows” could be configured using the app. For example: If the smartphone receives a notification from WhatsApp and the notification contains the keyword Lunch time, the value 30 will be sent to the device.
  • The device will have a “mechanical display” which consists in a hand and a dial with some labels on it (similar to a clock). When a value is received (“30”, for example), the hand will move to the configured angle, pointing to a label. This way the user will be notified of this event.

Who’s done what beforehand?

As I explained in the first week, my first inspiration was the weasley clock. In 2020, Xinhui Hu’s final project was a Modern Weasley clock:

Xinhui Hu's final project

I’ve found some other projects that tried to replicate this magical device:

In my case, I decided to track and display notifications instead of tracking people’s location. I haven’t found projects related yet.

What will you design?

I will design the device’s internal (electronic) and external (case) structure and also I will create an app for configuring Notification Flows.

In fact, I already started developing the app using react-native. I’ll open source the code when it is ready. Here are some screenshots:

App screens

What materials and components will be required?

I haven’t finished the 3D and electronic designs yet, so it is difficult to estimate the materials and components that will be required. But as a starting point, I think I’ll probably need a general purpose board. Abdón Rotela’s board is a good candidate, so here’s an estimate of the required components for that board that I’ve extracted from his site:

Fabduino Board

Component SMD Code Quantity
ATmega328p ATmega328p 1
Crystal 20MHz 20000M 1
499Ω resistor 4990 2
10Ω resistor 10R0 2
0Ω resistor 0R00 1
Voltage Regulator 1A/5V ZLDO1117 1
red LED NONE 1
green LED NONE 1
.22uF capacitor NONE 2
10uF capacitor NONE 2
0.1uF capacitor NONE 2
1uF capacitor NONE 1
Button NONE 1
Connector Jack 3.8mm NONE 1
100nF capacitor NONE 1
2x3 pin header male NONE 1
1x6 pin header male NONE 4
1x4 pin header male NONE 1
copper board NONE 1

Additionally, I’ll use a bluetooth module. I bought a HC-06 bluetooth board from a local store.

Since I don’t have a 3D design for the device’s case yet I can’t estimate the cost of it.

Where will they come from?

They come from the lab inventory mostly. The Bluetooth HC-06 module is the only component that I had to buy in a local store so far.

What parts and systems will be made? / What processes will be used?

  1. Circuit Board:
    • Electronic design
    • PCB machining
    • Soldering
    • Testing
    • Programming
  2. App:

    • Programming
    • Testing
  3. Device case:

    • CAD design
    • Laser Cutting
    • Assembly
    • Testing

What questions need to be answered?

  1. What will be the Final appearance of the device? (I need to finish a 3D design)
  2. I want to emit a sound when the device receives a notification. I think buzzers could be used here but I prefer something like a real bell sound. Can I install a real bell inside the device?
  3. Additional buttons/controls on the device to reset the states or manually move the hand.

How will it be evaluated?

  1. The app starts successfully.
  2. The user can configure flows using the app.
  3. The app successfully connects to the device .
  4. The device executes the configured flows.

Last update: June 17, 2022