Here we go..
Output Devices !!
The goal of this week is to learn about output devices and make some applications. The difference between input and output devices are:
Input Device
Output Device
Group Assignment
In this assignment we were asked to measure the power consumption of an output device.
You can check the group assignment from this link : Group Assignment.
Individual Assignment
We are supposed to add an output device to a microcontroller board that we have designed, and program it to do something. As I said in the input device assignment, I’m going to use an arduino to test the devices.
Let’s talk more about output devices!
What is an output device ?
An Output device is a device that receives data (signal) from a computer/Arduino for display, projection, or physical reproduction.
Output devices examples:
In this assignment, I’m going to use:
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
What is LCD display ?
LCD is an output electronic display module which uses liquid crystal to produce a visible image.
16×2 LCD Specifications:
LCD display parts:
The LCD has 16 connection pins, numbered 1-16 from left to right.
16×2 LCD pinout:
How does LCD display work ?
Let’s Make it !
I’m going to write some words by using LCD.
The Components:
What is a potentiometer ?
A potentiometer is a variable resistor used to adjust the contrast level of the LCD screen.
Let’s Connect the components !
The Circuit
Ops! Ops ! I faced this issue while using a tinkercad to simulate the LCD. The problem is LCD backlight was 23.7 kA while maximum 20 mA. To fix this issue I added a resistor 220 Ohm then it works !
Let’s Program !
1. lets
I faced some problems after uploading the code. The code has been done but the LCD is not working!!
I rechecked the connection and the code to figure out the problem. YES I FOUND IT !
Potentiometer Test
LCD Display Arduino Test
LCD Display PCB Test
I LOVE LCD DISPLAY !!!! So, I wanna make another application.
More Practice !
When I searched about LCD display applications I found that I can make different types of gaming in this amazing output device. I love gaming! It’s so fun to make a Jumping Jack game by using the following components:
Let’s Connect the components !
The circuit
Let’s Program !
The Code
The Video
Whoooooo It’s Working! LET’S PLAY !!
Servo Motor
The second output device that I’m going to test is a servo motor.
What is Servo Motor ?
A servo motor is an electrical output device which can push or rotate an object with different directions/angles.
Servo Motor Parts:
1. Mounting tabs.
2. Output shaft.
3. Servo horn.
4. Connector.
5. Cable.
6. Connector.
1. Motor.
2. Gearbox.
3. Position sensor.
4. Motor control electronics.
How does servo motor work ?
Servos are controlled by sending them a pulse of variable width. The control wire is used to send this pulse.
Applications in our life :
There are many aplications in our life using servo motor such as :
Servo Pinout:
Let’s Make it !
I’m going to control the servo motor by using push button.
The components :
Let's connect the componants!
Let’s program !
Now, I open Arduino IDE to upload the code. The bellow code will work as follow:1. I used the (h.servo) library by going to Sketch > Include Library > Servo.
#include Servo.h
2. After connecting the wires, I dintified the pin ( ButtonPin = 9 ), ( Val means the value of the direction ).
const int buttonPin = 9; int val; int buttonState = 0;
3. In the void setup, I dintified the control pin of the servo (wired up to pin 2 in Arduino) and the pinMode of the push button as INPUT.
void setup() { myservo.attach(2); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); }
4. In the void loop, I idintified the value of the servo direction as (val=180). If I press on the push button the servo motor will rotate 180 degree.
void loop() { buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); if (buttonState == HIGH) { val = 180; } else { val = 0; } myservo.write(val); delay(15); }
The code
Arduino Test :
In this video, I tried to test the servo by using different values ( 180 degree & 90 degree ).
if (buttonState == HIGH) { val = 180; }
if (buttonState == HIGH) { val = 90; }
I really enjoy input and output devices assignments because I tried to test as much as I can on different devices. I learned about Ultrasonic, LED, LDR, LED matrix module, LCD, Potentiometer and Servo motor.I don't want these assignments to finish!!!