Ana Karyna Gómez

¡Hello everyone!

Welcome to my FabAcademy 2015 site. Here, I will be documenting my projects and I will share with you my road to

“how to make [almost] anything”

I am Ana Karyna from FabLab Monterrey, I was born in Sinaloa, México. I am an Architect with a Master degree in Sciences and a major in Project Management from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) in México. Chair of the Department of Architecture at the Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) since 2012. I am interested in the research in architecture and new technologies for design. I think there is a limited experience of architects in the use of fabrication equipment and machines in México, so I see the Fab Academy as a great opportunity to open our work to another level of innovation and research. I am interested in new technologies, especially in digital design and fabrication, also in sheering with my students and the community the passion for the field and all the possibilities that the technology brings to architecture and design. I am part of a research team of architects and designers making open source machines, I really could not imagine this a few years ago.

Contact me:
Universidad de Monterrey (81)82151256 skype ana.karyna.gomez
Personal (81)82151256
