Kelly Zona      Fab Academy 2014

Networking & Communications

Hello Bus Bridge & Node Network


Atmel Studio (to program the boards)

New Project> GCC C Executable project Device Selection> ATtiny45

Paste the C code into the command window

Build> Compile (you should not get any error messages, warnings are sometimes OK)

Build> Build Solution (this generates the .hex file, which is what the microcontroller reads)

Tools> Device Programming: [Tool: AVRISP mkii, Device: ATtiny45, Interface: ISP > Apply. >Target Voltage- Read >Device Signature- Read >Memories- Click on the ellipses next to Flash and navigate to the folder where your project is saved. There should now be a .hex file in there. Select this file, then hit the 'Program' button. This should give you a "verified" message, so that you know the device has been properly programmed.

Arduino IDE (to talk to the boards)

Board> ATTINY45V 10 MHz

Serial Port> /dev/tty.usbserial-FTGS52PE

Serial Monitor> 9600 baud




To flash the bridge board:

Connect Bridge board to AVR

Modify Code: #define node_id '0'


To Flash node 1:

Connect Node 1 board to AVR

Modify Code: #define node_id '1'