Kelly Zona      Fab Academy 2014

Invention, Intellectual Property, & Income

For this assignment we are to develop a plan for dissemination of our final projects.  I am using the fab lab copyright. I want others to be able to use or modify this project in any way they see fit, as long as they give credit to the original work.

I have uploaded all of the project files to this webpage so that others can use them.  I have also included links to source the same hardware and materials if needed.

My plan moving forward is to share this project online.  I am working to develop a modular kit.  I think that breaking the screen down into easily assembled modular pieces makes sense for an architectural system where each person would have different spatial requirements.

I plan to do something similar to the OpenDesk model, where you can download the files and make it yourself, or commission your local fabricator to make it for you.

(c) Kelly Zona 2014
This work may be reproduced, modified, distributed, performed, and displayed for any purpose, but must acknowledge "Photometric". Copyright is retained and must be preserved. The work is provided as is; no warranty is provided, and users accept all liability.


All design and fabrication files are available throught this site.


Acrylic sheet- white and clear- Pioneer Supply or McMaster Carr
Resin/metal cast pins- Smooth On (resin), Alpha Chemicals (iron oxide)

Microcontroller board- Arduino (main board) 
Stepper driver electronics- DigiKey

Miscellaneous hardware- McMaster-Carr