project development

Complete your final project, tracking your progress: what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain? what has worked? what hasn't? what questions need to be resolved? what will happen when? what have you learned? documentation during development demand- vs supply-side time management, spiral development.

tasks completed

I completed the design of the frame and connections with motors.

I 3D printed the inside channels.

Im started the construction of the frame:

I started to design the H-bridge for my Fabduino board to test the capacitive sensor under the plywood or cardboard panel when it is in contact with the human body. My idea is to make the panel moving from vertical to zig zag shape when someone is few inches close to the panel.

Here you can download the Eagle schematic and here the board.

Meanwhile, I was waiting for the components, I started to write the code in Arduino IDE to test the capacitive sensor and the motor.

After several tests, using the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor, I figured out that the best value to switch my motor using the capacitive sensor I made was 400 (with the body close 3" more or less).

I had to sand the side of the rail to make it slide smootly.

I started working on the panel and I milled with the Shopbot all the cuts to make more flexible the cardboard.

tasks remain

I need to cut and test the pressboard with shopbot.

I need to finish my H-Bridge and incorporate it with the sensor.

I need to test the movement with the 12v motor.

I need to assemble the entire structure.

what has worked? what hasn't?

The 3D Printed ABS sliding rail was to perfect...I need to sand both sides.

what have you learned? 

I am still struggling with Eagle to arrange the seems a rebus and I am not sure I am going to finish on time with it...

I am learning about capacitive sensors, and arduino programming.

© 2014, Davide Prete, Washington DC