About the assignment: output devices

Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project


My final project can be interesting as furniture module for corporations, hotels, public spaces.

A retractable seating system to use only when you really need is something that can help saving space and organize rooms without moving furniture such as chairs or sofa.

I am thinking about entrances, lobby hotels, and public spaces with empty walls.

I am planning to use two retractable elements every 4' with a cost of $50 per linear foot (more or less with better material for the panel such as acrylic).

The panel can be interchangeable and with different colors and cutting patterns.

Calcolating the hours of work for the first model I think I can reduce the amount of manual work to 3 hours (without the installation) and the time machine (modela, shopbot, bandsaw, drill, etc) to 4 hours.

The total cost (without installation) for a panel of this type can go from $80 to $100 per linear foot.

I am not thinking about big numbers, but for special spaces.

© 2014, Davide Prete, Washington DC