About the assignment: electronics design
Redraw the echo hello-world board, add (at least) a button and LED (with current-limiting resistor) check the design rules, and make it extra credit: simulate its operation
redrawing hello-world board adding a button and led
I spent the weekend studying Eagle and even if for Mercedes it is "bread and butter" for me it was quite challenging.
I redrawed the "heco hello world board" board using Eagle. At the beginning I found difficult to find the right components...only because I didn't install the right libraries! I spend the weekend playing with it!
After, I added the LED and the button.
When the drawing was done, I reorganized the connections and component trying to create a small layout to save space in the board.
Finally, I export the png file with my LED + Button board ready to make it with modela.
I am trying different software, so today I am using the Modela 3D Engrave to make the board.
After changing few parameters I found the best combination of speed/pitch/material settings.
Milling the board...
and finally the soldered board!