
1. Principles and practices, Project Management

2. Computer Aided Design

3. Computer Controller Cutitng

4. Electronics Production

5. 3D Scanning and Printing

6. Electronics Design

7. Computer Controlled Machining

8. Embedded Progamming

9. Molding and Casting

10. Input Devices

11. Composites

12. Output Devices

13. Networking / Communications

14. Mechanical design

15. Machine design

16. Interface and application programming

17. Applications and Implications

18. Invention, Intellectual property, and Income

19. Project Development

Project Presentation

I started the course installing in Windows some software that help me to create websites: macromedia, vim, seamonkey, but none of them was useful to me so in the end, I choose Kompozer because it is simple and fulfilled its purpose.

After this, I installed the Ubuntu. First, I downloaded the image and taped it on a DVD, and then, I chose the option "boot from a USB external hard drive", proceding after that to install the Mercurial smoothly.

The idea of my project was born from an actual real need in my life. My 9 month old son always wakes up in the midle of the night crying for his milk. For this reason I had the idea of ​​creating a machine that allows me to prepare his milk (formula) while I change his diaper, sincronizing this both activities is everything to assure the continiuty of his night sleep. The machine must eject milk, water and vitamins in a bottle that must have sensors that allow me to measure the amount of these ingredients and the final temperature of the preparation, then you must mix with an external movement, this entire process should be activated by a signal from a smarphone.