
Principles and practices

Final project proposal, from idea to final product.

Project management

Building a personal site. traveling through this adventure

Computer aided design

2D and 3D Design. model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate

Computer controlled cutting

Characterize your lasercutter's focus, power, speed, rate, kerf, and joint clearance .

Electronics production

Make an in-circuit programmer by milling and stuffing the PCB, test it, then optionally try other PCB processes..

3D scanning and printing

Design and 3D print an object (small, few cm3, limited by printer time) that could not be made subtractively - 3D scan an object (and optionally print it).

Electronics design

The design of electronic circuits created through the Eagle tool.

Computer controlled machining

Computer numerically controlled machine tool programmers—called CNC workers— develop computer programs to control automated processes. They require more training than other machine workers.

Embedded programming

Embedded programming is a specific type of programming that supports the creation of consumer facing or business facing devices that don't operate on traditional operating systems the way that full-scale laptop computers and mobile devices do.

Mechanical design/machine design

Embedded programming is a specific type of programming that supports the creation of consumer facing or business facing devices that don't operate on traditional operating systems the way that full-scale laptop computers and mobile devices do.

Input devices

An input device is a piece of hardware used to provide data to a computer used for interaction and control. It allows input of raw data to the computer for processing.

Molding and casting

Molding or Moldmaking is the act of creating the cavity / form that carries a negative or reverse impression of an original model.

Output devices

An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into human-readable form.

Networking and communications

The field of networking and communication includes the analysis, design, implementation, and use of local, wide-area, and mobile networks that link computers together..

Interface and application programming

An interface is a programming structure/syntax that allows the computer to enforce certain properties on an object .

wildcard week

Design and produce something with a digital fabrication process (incorporating computer-aided design and manufacturing) not covered in another assignment.

Applications and implications

Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered.

Invention, intellectual property, and income

develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.

Project development

develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.

Final Project

develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.


Discover the beginning of the adventure


About Me

Know a little about me

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Final Project

From idea to product

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Classes 2021

FabAcadmy's work

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