What will it do?It will show a visual presentation of sound vibrations using a laser. A cymatics Laser project.Who's done what beforehand?I found some with similar concepts Eunice lee, Darshan Shah, Montserrat Ciges. None however did it using laser projection in the fab community, accourding to my search results. Although i did find these three youtube links, link1, link2, link3. I had the idea from link1 and link2.What will you design?I just need to design a base that holds everything together in place. I want to make it more dynamic as in it should be easily adjustable like a chair, height and angle of laser pointer, possibly the angle of the rubber plate which holds the speaker under it too. So i am looking for something like the sketch above.What materials and components will be used?Laser, Speaker, Rubber sheet, board, 3d printed material, powersource, 2 ultrasonic sensors, mirror piece. Where will come from? most materials are from the lab, only few things missing, rubber sheet, mirror piece and speakers.How much will they cost?Speaker = 20 AED That was an early rough estimate, the new more percise estimate is below. What parts and systems will be made?I will design the 3d part(Includes Threads,board,wires), Possibly laser cut the mirror piece, board.What processes will be used?3D printing, Laser Cutting, CNC Machine,Vinyl Cutter,Programming, Designing Board.What questions need to be answered?I need to know how the delay affects the shapes on the wall, will some frequencies be visible because of the amplifier? Is it possible to hard code shapes by playing around with the speaker frequencies, can i project a triangle for example?How will it be evaluated?The 3D base, will take a lot of effort to make, the board design and programming, so these should be considered, along with the actual output of the device, is it really showing you something, how easy is the interaction, how do you feel about this application. What is the Schedule?I am gonna answer this by something quite similar to a gantt chart, i feel its much more representing and accurate than going into details. ![]() Note-- June 24th 2018, I did actually follow this schedule till the second day, the other things took me till the last minute to achieve, but it was a good start and surely the schedule did organize my thoughts a little bit. |