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About me

Hi, I'm Noah, a 16 year old highschooler on my fab academy journey. I was inspired to join fab by my brother, Graham. Before Fabacademy, I have had experience with designing 3d models for 3d printing and shopbot milling, designing 2d models for laser cutting, and circuit design. My greatest goals in any project I have made is to make it as cheap as possible, which lead to me to design my own custom esp32-c3 board to save about a dollar.
My dream is to one day work for Espressif, the ESP chip maker. I have spent days reading their documentation, weeks designing a board using their chip, and months working with their dev boards.

Software im familiar with


Kicad is amazing. It is a free, easy to run, and customizable PCB editor that I have used for all of my projects. The greatest thing I have made with is was my custom ESP32-C3 board, which has as of now gone through 4 iteraions, with 3 working iterations each building upon each other. I think that I have gotten skilled enough that once fab is over, or maybe during fab, I will try to build a board very similar to Waveshare's compact board. As currently, all of my boards use an ESP32-C3-Wroom-02 module, which incorporates most required parts like storage and a clock, but isn't as compact as it could possibly be.

Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is what my school taught me, and so Ive kept using it. It does have a free education license, but once I get out of school will be very expensive, and even though I plan to keep building, I will probably switch to some free alternative, currently would be FreeCAD as it looked good before and Dr. Gershenfeld affirmed that belief in his talk during cad week.

Arduino IDE

While I have experimented with Arduino's "competitor" PlatformIO, I find myself always coming crawling back the Arduino IDE. It has a monopoly over hobbyist embedded code editors thanks entirely to it supporting essentially every single microcontroller ever built in the last 20 years. It also has libraries for every single expansion for those microcontrollers, and it is easy to use. The only real alternative for me would be the espressif IDE integrated with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code

I use visual studio code for any coding project I have done,

Roblox Studio

It might seem childish, but roblox is what got me into programming, and it is absolutely awesome for a beginner to get into. It was incredibly fun to program, and even though I never finished making a game, it was still a blast to work with. It introduced me to stuff that I just heard Dr. Gernshenfeld talk about. When he talks about constructive solid geometry it felt like I had been splashed with water, as roblox actually uses that exact thing for modeling.