Fab Academy portfolio Sara Kutkova

Final Project - Oracle

I am not religious, and I don’t really believe in higher power, but I believe in placebo effect. Sometimes when I’m down, I would like to receive a divine advice, some sort of encouragement to find inner strength, even though it’s made up.


Therefore, in this project, I will make an Oracle -> a device that will give you your personalized advice, maybe based on the religious texts. You can imagine it as Chinese fortune cookies, but more personal.

Mood board

I like the “biblically accurate angels” posts. There are many different types of angels mentioned in the bible.

Source of image

I think the cutest of them all are the seraphim’s and thrones! They have many eyes to see everything (and are allegedly most powerful), so those are great angels to receive the Oracle from.

I then browsed the internet for some inspiration, and made a mood board.

(Sources of the images (from top right corner) here, here, here, here and here)

Based on that, I made my sketch:

How will it work from user perspective (simplified)

  1. register online, and fill up a form with your basic information
  2. add your fingerprint to the database
  3. once a day, you will be able to receive a “prophecy” from a great oracle
  4. you come to the oracle, scan the finger and get a small paper with divine advice

How will it work behind the scenes




Project plan

week 15 - looking into eye blinking - mechanism & manufacturing

week 16 - making the app for collecting data, making prophecies

week 17 - thermal printer & fingerprint detector development

week 18 - integration of all components

week 19 - the angel statue making, box making

week 20 - video and poster making

Testing the thermal printer

I started to test the thermal printer. It is the Adafruit Mini Thermal Receipt printer.


Arduino code [.ino file]

Testing the fingerprint detector