Week 18: Project development

        This weeks learning outcome goes like this:
        Create my own integrated design
        Demonstrate 2D & 3D modelling capabilities applied to my own designs
        Select and apply appropriate additive and subtractive techniques
        Demonstrate competence in design, fabrication and programming of your own fabbed microcontroller PCB, including an input & output device



As it can be seen on the final project
Assignment activities:
Complete your final project, tracking your progress: what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain? what's working? what's not? what questions need to be resolved? what will happen when? what have you learned? What tasks have been completed 1.Use time management techniques. 2.Examine the project strategy 3.Summarize the project's main points 4.Design all necessaries parts of project 5.Testing all components will be used What tasks remain? For the time being, I'm going to concentrate on the embedded programming side. I will complete the software portion of my system. What's working? what's not? During the project's development, I was able to test various ways i can record music and put it on a memory. I TRIED USING SD CARDS It did not work For some reason, writing a test on the sd card is okay but music, even the one that comes though i2s, does not work. Using a i2s microphone was also a headache. Luckily, a friend told me about the ISD1820 Module! With this i was able to record some seconds (up to 20s), and i used the SP32 microcontroller to control the buttons for record and playE was transformed into play in the loop the guitar frame: i tried to 3D print some parts like the tuning knobs, but they weren't stong enough to hold the strings. I ended up buying them (a set of turn it on) all components of my system works very well. what questions need to be resolved? The problem of trying to play everything on a guitar will be solved. You can use my project to have one guitar player instead of having two. what will happen when? It is quite difficult to plan a development timeline because it is heavily influenced by the availability of cash or sponsorships. The first deadline will be the local evaluation in June because no one will upload any documentation after this date. The second deadline is the end of June. what have you learned? Aside from technical skills, the most important thing I learned at the Fab Academy was how to plan and work on pressure. Everyone claims to understand that failure is inevitable and beneficial, that you learn from your mistakes, and so on, yet no one wants to fail. It appears that everyone realizes that everyone else fails but them.