Week 4: Embedded Programming

Task: Embedded Programming

  • Group assignment:

    • Compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures
    • Document your work to the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned
  • Individual assignment:

    • Browse through the datasheet for your microcontroller
    • Program a microcontroller development board to interact and communicate

Individual assignment:

The interesting part is the memory map:
  1. Programming an SP32 on arduino development board to interact
    • Steps i followed to interact with the ESP32 MCU
    • Installing the arduino IDE
      • I went to the Official website of ArduinoUnder software, and i downloaded the version corresponding to my computer parametters

      • After installation to my computer, i allowed the .dll files to install themselves as well.
      • Then i went to >Files>Preferences>Additional boards manager URLs, and i copied in the json file that i got from this Website

        then I copied the link into the URLs section of the IDE's Preferences.
      • Next i went to the IDE environement >Tools>Board>Boards Manager> type in the search bar "SP32". The installation package for sp32 appeared and i clicked on install.

      • I connected the SP32 board on the computer so to know which COM Port the board is on. I could also choose the name of the board from the tools>Boards>SP32 list.
      • Following the guidance given by the tutorial fund Here, I was able to make conncetion and copy the program that blinks an LED
      • On the Arduion IDE I wrote a program like:
      • I played around with delays and saw differences; I also tried to light many LEDs using the same pin, they blinked in synchronicity.
      • Each time I changed the code, i had to verify and Upload to the SP32.
      • The video here shows how this looks: on youtube
      • An SP32 is connected to another Dev board which has LEDs, so I connected the PinOut to one of the LEDs lines and used another wire for ground. Though there is a loose connection, it worked.
  • Conclusion: Embedded Programming is not that hard when you are using the development boards and high level languages. We used to write code in Mnemonics, and everything had a memory address. Arduino should be recommended to people who want to start and go quickly.