The TL;DR version

Project Management and Documentation

Shoutouts and credits to those who helped, whether they knew it or not ! I have extensively followed Adam Stone's documentation on this, as well as Griffin Orsinger's. I was further helped by Jogin Francis and Deepu K, both of the SuperFabLab Kochi

Many Thanks !

Based on a discussion during Week 6 reviews, Neil elaborated 4-5 reasons for documentation.
1. Judging the work
2. Documentation as learning (doing the documentation reinforces things)
3. Portfolio (a showcase of the work, process, thoughts, etc)
4. Self re-learning (referring back to your work to understand what you had done in the past)
5. Teaching (your work as a case study)

Keeping these in mind, if replication of my work is the goal, please refer to Phase 2 Order from Chaos and Phase 4 Working, Finally. These two should tell you/me enough to be able to redo getting this or a similar set of webpages off the ground in the future.

Phase 3, Jugaad is the story of a hack that I pulled off since I could not get the GitLab site up and running for a while.

Phase 1, Teething Problems is a stream-of-consciousness flow + instantaneous note-taking right after Day 1. I am only including it here for completion's sake.

All the links :
1. Teething Problems - Stream-of-consciousness jabber after Day 1
2. Order from Chaos - Some Order from Chaos
3. Jugaad - Getting SOME KIND OF SITE up and running
4. Working, Finally - (Currently) final round that got things running