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A small thing as trigger in accelerating the transition to low-emissions, climate development pathways…

Global warming and climate change are currently the world’s most pressing issues. The causes are the results of people pursuing a better quality of life and a material civilization.


It’s been a lot of work in planning, dicussing, bargaining, and making developed project not only in reducing carbon but also for neutral and negative feature of FabLab’s product. Thus, if the concept of green design and cleaner production can be applied when designing and conducting FabLab activities, it will greatly reduce the environmental impact of entire PoC and FabLab projects.


Green practices could get a bigger boost if I (me & our stakeholders) were aware of the extent of environmental damage caused by a particular electronic device. There is a need to set guidelines or a standard, which can help consumers understand the electronic jargon widely used to notify electronic products.




In my laboratory, I have been proposing some projects to improve bio-based material (especially organic waste ). The proposed ideas can provide FabLab members and stakeholders with a decomposing–recomposing approach with rigorous logic and deduction processes for transforming general products into green products.


It can also facilitate “from waste to packaging/electronic devices/kitchen & office utensils, etc.” approaches in product design and improve product disassembly to raise the value-added by-product re-use and recycling. It will offers multi-stakeholders concrete guidance and detailed steps to apply in green product design.


Here are the basics concept for my final assignment in our FabLab pre-school, I proposed miniature sustainable air purifier, it will use plant & organic material for CO2 organic absorbtion.


Design thinking process for green product are worked to improve the process of generating ideas and responsibilities of the activity include:

  • designing new equipment, processes, procedures and systems
  • purchasing and installing equipment
  • repairing equipment
  • responding to breakdowns
  • investigating design and prototyping problems
  • making improvements to current operations to enhance efficiency
  • supervising stakeholder and trainee
  • managing budgets
  • maintaining statistical and financial records
  • diagnosing faults
  • planning and organising maintenance
  • liaising with suppliers, stakeholder and research and development staff.

Apart from being an air purifier, this tool is designed as a teaching or class supporting tools, for example:

  1. identify respiration rate, and plant photosynthesis process for junior high school and high school / vocational students,

  2. indoor decoration & air purifier as office utensils, 3) smart-farming greenhouse prototype & simulation

  3. the role of green activities, such as gardening/re-using selected material, etc., for climate action and ESD,

  4. FRC Fab-Academy UGM open-innovation product & service dissemination.

Last update: July 8, 2022