Itan Fuentes Santamaria


Phone: 2227535416

Mechanical Design and Machine Design

For this assignment we decide to make a styrofoam cutting machine, in this assignment Aristarco Cortes and I we were in charge of the mechanical design and Huber Giron was in charge of the programming.


My individual contribution was the half of the mechanical design, including the Main Bed, axis X and the rotatory base.

I want to say something important of this assignment, two of the axis were recycled from an old copy machine. in this kind of machines we can find a lot of expensive things like axis, linear bearings, bearings, motors, endstops, a lot of switches, etc. So if you know where to find an old copy machine, grab it buy it or something, it's a gold mine of expensive things.

I have to say that i was not nearly the Fab Lab and i had to do my part with conventional tools, measurements, holes, cutting and assembly. but guess what???? IT WORKS :)

One of the biggest problems was to put everything aligned. To put the motors and axis aligned a i had draw a lot of lines and measure point to point and print some datasheet as guide

i made the same for the axis, a lot of lines and measurement and manually drill the holes. everything alined

for the final part, i was back in the fab lab where i used the laser cutter to made the proper adaptations for the ball screw