Itan Fuentes Santamaria


Phone: 2227535416

For the 3D scanning i use a Rommer arm Scanner, which is a really nice tool for this activity. This was the first time i do this kind of activity, and it was really cool, nice and easy, i too realize that this kind of tools are really usefully when you want to do some kind of complex design, because the arm's software give you a points cloud of the object which you can work it on many programs to get a superficial model and then do the modification you want. but there's and important disadvantage. You need a lot of practice in order to model correctly because if you don't it will get almost impossible to model something, even easy things.

To begin i start to put my daft punk model in a high plane to make it easy to scan it and with the help of the arm's software this really looks like easy but it wasn't. it result that you have to do it smooth and steady or the points cloud will end a mess or with to many equal points and this finally ends in a really heavy document to use it

another thing to mention it is that this arm have some issue.


Once you start to scan your 3D model, you have to avoid any kind of movement because if you move it you will lose the origin's piece and you will have to do the process allover again.

This can result bad because of the axis limits and sometimes where you put the model some of the axis will not achieve to scan the part you want and this is really annoying


once i and finish the scan i start to model it on Geomagic software and after i start to learn how to use the software i realize of the second problem.



Some pieces like the one i tried to rebuilt it are really hard to manage specially when you don't domain the points cloud technique. Then i try something more easy to rebuilt and it was a soap bottle. this is the result


For the assignment i decide to print a Gunter for the cartoon "Adventure Time" as a gift for a special person.

you can Find the Design and STL document to print it HERE , just scale it as you wish

for 3D printing i use our own 3D printer