Itan Fuentes Santamaria


Phone: 2227535416

In these days exist a lot of softwares for modeling and design. In this programs we can perform almost anything what we want to draw, from simples squares or circles,  to buildings, cars or even airplanes.

Each program have advantages and disadvantages like anything, there are some softwares intended to begginers or people who doesn't have previous knowledge in modeling/design and there are others heavily though for professional people. However, with a lot of practice and patient anyone can ended using two or more of this softwares in order to achieve something.

I usually use Catia because in the university is widely used for many subjects where you need to build something really accurate  and most of all because is a software for engineering. it's true that is really complex when you attempt to do something that in other softwares are really easy like modeling a cartoon, just for example.

I'll leave some examples of what you can do with Catia




In this example i do a ring. one of the good thing of Catia is that you can do parametric drawings, which means, the dimensions can be modified in any moment. this is a disadvantage of Rhinoceros, because the drawings are not parametrized, this means, you would have to start all over again.

In this other we can do something really simple like a square and then extrude it to the dimension we need.

we can even positioning the center or the square or set the square faces depending on the nearby objects

or we can do some drafts in the cube if we want to do some molds or anything were we need it.



or perhaps some kind of box, not to hard to do it, we can specify the inside thickness or the outer thickness