Itan Fuentes Santamaria


Phone: 2227535416

Thanks to the growing digital manufacturing technology more and more people are able to manipulate CNC machine without the need to know how to program in ISO (code G & M) code which has benefited many people in different areas. My project proposal is to make a router on a CNC structure. Since small businesses in the many areas have large waste feedstock because the required cuts are done by hand or by machinery which is not sufficiently fast and accurate. that is why a machine of this type could greatly benefit these small businesses but not all have the economic solvency to purchase this type of machinery. So a machine of lower cost compared to a commercial and make it easy for operation i think it's a good idea

 what will it do?

Will perform wood cutting with hardware and software for CNC


 who's done what beforehand?

i think makers, many big company's (at an expensive cost), and iwill:)


 what materials and components will be required?

I will need steel square profiles, bearings, linear bearings, wire, stop ending, weld, microprocessor, bridge-h, relevators, strips, router, etc.


 where will they come from?

they material can be get from almost any  place, even many part can be recycled parts


 how much will it cost?

because of the size of the router i will use, the price will achieve 150 dollars (2250 Mexican pesos more less)


 what parts and systems will be made?

the whole CNC structure, X Y and Z axis, the positioning system and a support for the router


 what processes will be used?

welding, drilling, digital manufacturing, 3D modeling, electronic design, electronic communication, software design


 what tasks need to be completed?

building the CNC structure, assembly the electronics components, calibrate the tool's position, test the software, make a test of the machine from CAD to CAM


 what questions need to be answered?

how hard it's to calibrate a CNC structure?

how complex can be the electronic?

does the software will works?

can the CNC structure and electronics work with existing softwares?


what is the schedule?

-Design the Structure

-Build the structure

-Get the electronics

-Assembly the electronic

-test the movement of the 3 axis

-communicate the software with the machine

-make a 2D design

-go from CAD to CAM


 how will it be evaluated?

if the machine perform at least basic geometry cuts i thinks will be fine