Week 18 - Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

In this assignment we need to consider how we would like to dissemate our final projects.

Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.

Intellectual property

Assuming that my product was ready for the shop floor I would consider taking strong measures to protect it. However, this is not the case so I would only implement a similar liscence that the fablab uses. That way other people can build on what I have done so far which, in my opinion, would be nice to see.


I dont intent to make money from this project. It is purely a demonstration of the skills I have learned at the FabAcademy and an extra example for others to make use of or take inspiration from.

My Liscence

For this project I think the Apache License, Version 2.0 is suitable. I like this liscence because it will allow others to build upon what I have developed. They also are only allowed to use the original name as a reference to the origin of the work (which promotes me!) but not use it themselves.

Taking the project further

As mentioned, I have no plans to take the project further. However, if I were to, I would need to really develop the prototype. Then I would form a guide of how others can reproduce it within the lab, complete with design files.