Invention: Project
Dissemination Plan
The project does not have the intent to become a
commercial product, rather a research platform or an
academic tool for testing mobile robot control. As
such, the dissemination plan would include documenting
its design and features to allow for detail
understanding of its components and capabilities,
creating a user manual, publishing a conference paper,
or making it into a kit that can be used and
replicated for a certain class.Also, the mechanical subsystem can be used to test other electronic designs, micro controllers, etc., since the interface with sensors and actuators is standard and straight forward for micro controller systems with TTL electronics.
A second stage of dissemination would be to create lab practices and start using them in classes or research projects to continue its development. More actuators of this type should be acquired to facilitate the reproduction of this system and since the interface is standard it opens the door for scaled versions up or down.
- Project Proposal
- 2D and 3D Model
- Laser Cut
- Circuit Making - FabISP
- 3D Scanning and Printing
- Electronics design
- Make Something Big
- Embedded Programming
- Molding and Casting
- Input Devices
- Composites
- Output Devices
- Networking
- Mechanical Design
- Interface
- Applications
- Invention
- Project Development
- Project Presentation
Alvaro J. Rojas Arciniegas, PhD
Assistant Professor Department of Automatics and Electronics - UAO
+57 (2) 318-8000 ext. 11384