
Networking and communications

Group Assignment Link

  • Send a message between two projects

  • Assignment

  • design, build, and connect wired or wireless node(s) with network or bus addresses

  • What is I2C
    I2C communication consists of one line(SDA for sending and receiving data and one clock line(SCL) for synchronizing the timing of transmission and reception. It consists of one master and more than one slave and can theoretically connect up to 127 slaves

    In the picture above, one of the 'Device n' becomes the master and the rest becomes the slave
    The point to note is the resistor of R1,R2. Because both SDA and SCL lines must be 'HIGH' for communication
    It is important to make them high with pull-up resistor
    [What is pull-up register?]- I referred to Ji-hwan Kim's works
    I will use the Arduino Uno board and the Arduino uses the internal pull-up resistance, so there is no need to attach or set the resistor
    The advantage is that you don't have to set the speed of communication like serial communication

    In Arduino Uno A4 pin is SDA, A5 pin is SCL

    Arduino addressing

    Identifications between Arduino are distinguished by addresses
    Here's how to address

    Wire.begin // master
    Wire.begin(address) // slave (7bit)

    Data transmission

    When you send data, the beginTransmission(address) and endTransmission() functions are paired and the data is sent to that address as an write() function

    Wire.beginTransmission(1); // Start sending slave address 1
    Wire.write ("good\n"); // send string
    Wire.endTransmission(); // abort transmission

    Data reception

    Once the data is received, the receiveEvent function is called after only one representation of the setup() function

    Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent); //recall data reception receiveEvent() functions


    How to request data from a particular slave Arduino and send data after confirming the request

    Wire.requestFrom(1, 4); //Request 6byte to Slave(1)
    when (Wire.available() { //Read data when sent
    char c = wire.read();
    Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); //call each time requested
    void requestEvent() { //Action on request function
    Wire.write ("ok!\n");

    I2C Inter-Aduino Communication Circuit Diagram

    Connect the vin on the two Uno boards and connect them to the computer

    I'll combination of Master Reader/Slave Writer, Master Writer/Slave receiver in Arduino example>wire code

    Master board code
    #include <Wire.h>
    void setup() {
      Wire.begin();        // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
      Serial.begin(9600);  // start serial for output
      int x = 0;
    void loop() {
      Wire.requestFrom(1, 4); //request 4 bytes from slave device 1
      while (Wire.available()) {
        char c = Wire.read(); 

    You can prevent conflicts by providing a delay() function between data transfer and data request

    Slave board code
    #include <Wire.h>
    void setup() {
      Wire.begin(1); //slave address       
      Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); //Invoke requestEvent function on demand
      Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent); //Recall the responseEvent function when receiving data
    byte x = 0;
    void loop() {
      void receiveEvent(int howMany) { //Read Transfer Data
      while (Wire.available()>1) { 
        char ch = Wire.read(); 
      int x = Wire.read();    
    void requestEvent() { //On-demand action function

    Code Upload process
    1.Upload the code after connecting Master Arduino with your computer
    2.Upload the code after connecting Slave Arduino with your computer
    3.Verify Serial Monitor After Connecting Master Arduino Port

    1.Master Arduino sends a "good" string and an x-value from 0 to 5 to Slave Arduino
    2.Slave Arduino reads the value of the transmitted "good x-value" and outputs it as a serial motor
    3.Slave Arduino sends the "FA20" character column value to the master Arduino when the data request is received
    4.and Master Arduino reads the "FA20" character string and checks the serial monitor to see if the request/response has been processed properly

    I2C Arduino UNO - Attiny1614 board
    Lastly, I will use the board I made and the Uno board to I2C communicate
    Attiny1614 board Link

    Attiny 1614 pinout
    Attiny1614 PB0/7/SCL - Arduino A5
    Attiny1614 PB1/6/SDA - Arduino A4
    First, I used UPDI to put the Slave code on my board
    How to program Attiny1614 board using UPDI Week8 Link
    And I program the master code on the Uno board
    Laptop > UNO(master) > Attiny1614(Slave) > FTDI > Serial Monitor

    This Week Hero Video!

    Reference Link
  • https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Wire
  • https://busy.org/@codingman/i2c
  • https://m.blog.naver.com/yuyyulee/220325361752