Learning about license
Comparing and considering different licenses, I am choosing Creative Commons.
Creative commons
Creative Commons license is a copyright license which aims distribute creative work openly. It is common in every license in Creative Commons that the copyright will be retained in an author (licensor) while allowing others to copy, distribute, and derivate their work. Detailed explanation about license is HERE.
There are conditions that the licensor can choose. To choose a license, I should consider following questions:
- Do I want to allow others to use my work as commercial use or not (Non-commercial)?
- Do I want to allow others to derivative my work or not (No Derivative Works)?
- If I want to allow derivative work, do I want to require others who use my work to make their new work avairable under the same license terms (ShareAlike)?.
For my project except computer software, I am choosing the attribution license which allows to copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works and remixes based on my project when people who reuse my project give the credits (attribution) by acknowledgement. The reason I am choosing this license is that I am happy to distribute my project and if someone reuse it for their own project with respect for my work. With Creative Commons, I have possibility to choose conditions which will be suitable for my project. So I am choosing it rather than Fab license.
The MIT license is permissive license for software originating at MIT. The MIT license allows to reuse works with only very limited restriction that all copies of the licensed software include a copy of the MIT License terms and the copyright notice. I am choosing MIT License for computer software regarding my project.
Fab license allows to reproduce, modify, distribute, perform and display for any purpose. Only the ristriction is we need to acknowledge "project name" as we now doing in Fab Academy.
Future opportunities
There is no intention to make any incomes with the current project but there are possibilities to get incomes with developed version of my projects in the future. For instance the developed version of the project could be used for education or fun. My final project idea originally came from my experience of difficulty to understand the movement of the earth and the moon when I was a kid. The project could be used in formal and informal education such as schools or museums. The project could be commercialized in different ways, including self-made science kit (as product) or multidisciplinary lesson/ workshop packages contain data to make the orrery and lesson plan for astronomy (as service). The current project can be developed, by minimizing the size and reducing the weight of whole structure. With further development of interface and application programming, connecting with app or website, there will be more possibilities to be commercialized, for example touching the surface of the earth and it shows the shape of the moon from that place.