Wildcard Week NOTES

Week 17 - Wildcard week NOTES

Here you will find my work description during this seventeenth week

General info


Design and produce something with a digital fabrication process not covered in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it. Possibilities include (but are not limited to) composites, textiles, biotechnology, and robotics.

Raw class notes

this week is an experiment

You have to choose your own assignment

If you are not sure, do composites

It depends the capabilities of your lab


Combining compression and tension

  • carbon fiber and epoxy

  • bridges concrete and rebars

  • fibers and resins

  • fabric as fibers + resin

  • fiber glass

  • Natural fibers : Burlap, canvas coton

Epoxy resin has a lot a volatile compounds

  • bio resin

  • Laminate : Skateboard is a popular project in fablabs

if you want to bend a structure the top layers have to go further than the bootom ones

exactflat.com/composite turn 3D shape in 3D

You can design a shape and cut the fabric (2D) to fit perfectly in a mold (3D), it is easier than machining the composite

Hith performance composite is 9.% fabric, 10!m resin

Clamping vs vaccum

look at compositescoupons page on CBA

Vaccum bag from amazon are an easy way Vaccum bagging

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