Eagle Master Class

Grasshopper Master Class with Santi


adafruit provides its schematics

We will here reproduce the Hello world FTDI


Eagle installed, install the fab component library

New project New schematic -> Generate board

design in shematics (but we could use board window also)

Warning Do not close schematics or board, the connection will be broken. Keep them both open

in sch win -> Add -> Open library manager -> browse -> fab.lbr

in sch win -> Add -> fab -> ATTINY44-SSU

in board win if the component is outside the working area move it using the cross

if you don’t know wich one to use choose the one with “FAB” in the name

Follow the provided picture and add the 6 components

You can “Save as design block” to re-use some attached components like:

GND -> C LED A -> R470 -

Important Go to DRC Design rules -> Clearance set 16mils that is 0.4064 matching the 1/64 inch mill bit

change the steps of the grid (button bellow File menu)

add mesures to see the size of the board

Export as PNG before remove want we don’t want, dimension Go to layers, select none Select only Top File -> Export (check monochrome) Set Resolution (min 500dpi, neil recommands 1000) Set window in area Save, we have the traces

We need to create the outlines in other software like Gimp, inkscape

Extra tip Define a border to be a guide in the outline soft. draw a polygon around your traces

Optional: define the rest of the board as the ground: Name the polygon as GND click the eye to show connections use this polygon, go to its properties and define it as a solid

be carefull for the outline the width of the black border should at least be greater then the diameter of the tool used

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