Grasshopper Master Class

Grasshopper Master Class with Santi


food4rhino to find plugins for rhino and GH

Santi recommends firefly to interact with real life (arduio, kinect, …)

nice places: tutorials : plethora-project digital toolbos arturo tedeschi primer book free

Andrew payne fab academy student used firefly to control his robotic arm

There are 3 ways to draw a circle + import from rhino

Use Bake command to transfert geometry to rhino

GH store information in lists


use shif to connect more than 1 wire to an input

Use “param Viewer” to view branches if you see dot lines that means that you start using branches

To find the middle of a curve without divide curve (that returns start and end point), use Point on Curve then set value to 0.5

to use start point as the center of the geometry value -> neg -> X domain value -> Y domain

you can cluster several commands

you cannot copy but you can movea copy

Series is a way to start a list

series + move to create multiple copies

Orient command is used to align

gHowl to communicate using OSC protocol

You can export a panel content right click on it and Stream content to save a CSV

We can use “Record” or firefly “log” to save data

for “If” use “greater than”

firefly demo

You have to upload firefly provided firmware to arduino to enable read/write with firefly

UnoRead box

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