Final project concept
Final Project concept
Descritpion of my final project
What is it ?
If if had powers, I would make everyone happy. For now my power are limited to Make (almost anything). So I wonder if I can make somthing that helps people being happier.
But are we mindful of our happiness level ?
How many times do you ask yourself how good was your day?
A global platform of happiness. A simple and highly customizable IoT device that allows every owner to tell the world how much happy they are.
Remember about Smart Citizen ? And if people can tell once a day how good was their day ? We could visualize global happiness and why not use these data to improve global happiness.
What it will do ?
I imagine every body can create their own “Happy Stack” IoT device you can put on their beside table, with materials and technic they want (3D Printed, milled, molding, handmade) assuming each happyring share a Common hardware insterface to be stacked.
This device will use bluetooth (BLE) to connect to the smartphone. Then people can indicate a level of happiness (how was your day ? in scale from 0 BAD to 10 Fanstastic) using input sensor (thinking about capacitive copper foil tape), and LED on top (individually addressable) output (to create beautifull patterns). This value is send to the mobile phone that send it with its position to a web platform that store data.
who will use it ?
I hope everyone. Do you ?
Some sketches of the concept
Stay in touch
Hi, I'm
Joris Navarro, from Perpignan (France), a proud dad, a fab director/manager, a teacher, a ceo, a FabAcademy student, but not only. Click here to know more about me.
Check my work for FabAcademy on FabCloud GitLab
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