Electronic Master Class

Electronic Master Class with Guillhem

First thing G said is if we have questions about electronic, just write them on post-its, we will have a look later.

This week is an introduction, so don’t be afraid.

Some Useful links for present and future

How to make a computer

Let’s start from the ground. Computing is not about computers, computing is everywhere. To control evertything

“learning the core principles helps us to be creative”

Computer we are goint to use are : Digital (analog), electronical (electromecanical), Generic (Specific) purpose…


Digital vs Analog

Why chip does’t contains everything, it because to be cheaper, to be multi purpose you can add what you want depending on what you want to do.

Micro controler are a bunch of transistors made in silicon.

Program <-> CPU <-> Data

On 90’s we moved to Microcontoller | | i/o | | |program memory | control | data memory| | | arithmethic | |

now we are moving to SoC (System on a Chip)


Firmware vs OS

firmware   os
hardware   hardware


programming Languages and toolchains

machine understand a few bunch of commands (registry/assembler) add, store, load

make is an application that automates somes tasks


programmers and booloaders

programmer allows to put code in MC from cumputer cause MC doesn’t talk usb it talks serial

AVR is a familly of atmel

FabISP is an AVR programmer

Microchip -> Atmel -> AVR -> tiny -> atmel -> ARM

why atmel : because the tool used to convert C code in machine code is open source


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