Machine design NOTES

Week 16 - Machine design NOTES

Here you will find my work description during this sixteenth week

General info

Group Assignment

  • actuate and automate your machine
  • document the group project and your individual contribution

Class notes

Weekly reviews :

Raw class notes

Actuate and automate the machine

Neils spoke about Nadia and Jens works

fundamentals of design - precision machin design

wrong structural loop is a common error Error budget spreadsheets specifications - how small you can move, if the axis is supposed to go perpendicular, does it goes perpendicular

kinematic mount

modular end effectors - popfab

PRS shopbot - open loop PRS alpha shopbot - closed loop jameco ->electromechanical

holding torque - the point where the motor starts loosing its steps

feedforward machine to avoid loosing step

motion control is a lot of calculation to known where to move the head Book : Mondern control theory

  • Bang bang control : send info to motor, check position, send info to motor, check position, send info to motor, check position,
  • PID
  • Model predictive control, when you know how your machine react and you can anticipates the reaction

File formats

  • G-Code - oldest format, standard codes, but several implementations
  • OpenSVP
  • RML

from machine control to motion control we need an interpreter


  • TinyG (goes to the gcode to the steps)

nothing happens less then a milliseconds, that is the time for a machine for an operation

attiny can do 10k operation during 1 ms


State less machine using network -> gestalt - more flexible for rapid machine design (doc)

Strategies to sync network:

  • handshake
  • broadcast (tell the job, get ready, go)
  • back-pressure timing

Exemple : webrtc audio (Cf. application and interface class)

Jake read “Machine X mod kit” - Machine for playing musinc for pieces of wood - several stepper in network with a mods program that build package

ATP.??85 PCB

Mods shows the path planning

Design representation :

  • voxels,
  • frep :lattice mods program frep lattice

GUI: chilipper (machine control) popular xith tinyG (motion control)

Grbl synthetos shop Ramps (pololu)

jake jw4rd stepper shield daniel stepper driver jake network -> mkbldcdriver, distributed control

links to good deals on motors

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