Output devices

Week 12 - Output devices NOTES

Here you will find my work description during this twelfth week

General info


  • individual assignment: add an output device to a microcontroller board you’ve designed, and program it to do something
  • group assignment: measure the power consumption of an output device

Class notes

Weekly reviews :

Raw class notes


-> Neopixels superbrightleds.com

Electroluminescent wire (Elwire)

Led arrays

using vinyl cut layer as ground


text output 4 pins for data usefull for debugging Oled


cf fletcher james 2014 arduino-tvout thinner clientc david cranor


speaker (random bips) soeaker are coils using Mosfet P mosfet source the power, N mosfet go to the ground , RDS is the resistance, between source and ??? power unregulated 9V goes to the speaker (regulated 5V to the MCU) we use PWM to turn on/off mosfet


CF. nerdkits Robotic xylophone

DC Motors

goes both directions need H bridge 1 direction, mosfter is enough

2 P mosfet in the high side, 2 N mosfet in the bottom side A4952-3 driver neil likes (convenient) Charge pump is needed to turn off the high side

drv8838 another tiny package driver hello.H-bridge

dc moteur have not high torque, but geared dc motor have

vibrating motors

servo motors

there are not designed to spin, but to point the PWM give the position we need a bigger voltage regulator (lm2940c) (be carefull pin order)

MCU sent logic signal to the servo PWM software or Hardware continuous servos has optical encoder, other potentiometer 1 check the pwm timing

BLDC (brushless) internally 3 coils in phasis each one has an hbridge (triple hbridge) ESC electonic speed controller for high current avr (there is an open source project -> check links) inrunner make same speed quickly, outrunner, peek rpm are lower good for direct drive broken links pancake bldc

Stepper motor

the difference is the positionning is accurate 2 sets of internal coils and magnet stepper specified by step size, step angle, current holding torque unipolar and bipolar stepper (use 2 hbridge?) - microsteppeing to smoth motion allow you to slowly change levels CF hello.stepper bipolar

Motor control

there are good boards to conrol motors (pololu alegro, …) shopbot use close loop (enslavement?) to check the position of its stepper motors

Solid state relay (SSR)

BEM 14840DA - opto isolated caution of the package, the wiring and the current

EU: brow (hot), blue (neutral), green/yellow (ground)

piezzo actuator

shape memory

jie.qi piezzo origamie


hydrolic actuator

menzi muck m545

Q & A


arm processor with good real time processor

Nico : bridge rectifier power supply design

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