Computer Aided Design

Week 3 - Computer Aided Design - NOTES

General info

Things to do

ask for rhino

Questions to ask

Useful resources


Raw class notes

modeling your final project

2d designs

Raster tools

scans draws gimp: cross plateform more extensible than photoshop (more powerfull) : raster is pixels image magic & graphicsMagick ar image tools

vector tools

Inkscape : objects are represented as map, not a CAD Tool (CSG) Clone option is usefull to avoid replicating objects FreeCAD

3d designs

Constructive Solid Geometry, constrained, hierarchical, parametric (is usefull when you want to change all your slots), procedural, algorithmic

GUIs, scripting, hardware description languages (more advanced CAD softwares)

imperative, declarative, generative, optimization, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

Neil Tip: try as many as you can

Tools : Sketchup & tinkercad are for beginers Blender uses meshes, beautyfull for photorealistic render (cgi) tool, has a huge learning curve, not good for CAD

Rhino popular with designer & architects (Next week we will see parametric cad)

Freecad video

autocad fusion 360, is good for simulation, collabortion, path following you can also use it for electronics as they bought Eagle

we have an agreement with autodesk for fabacademy

Dassault Solidworks is popular, good at complex constraints

we have an agreement with Dassault for fabacademy

xDesign is solidworks in the cloud, the backend is Catia


PCB COnnect uses a websocket interface

OnShape as a free educational program, we have an agreement with OnShape for fabacademy

Catia is for Jumbojets

OpenScad is Hardware Design Language

Antinomy looks like grasshoper (using a construction graph, evry node is a program, can add variable) -> See the video (object is a function)

Game engines

Unreal & Unity You can design the class in the game engines


COMSOL is 2k$ commercial tool SolidWorks Abaquis unified Fusion has a nice simulation engine

Audio and Video

We have to produce videos (for assigments or for final project), here are some tools


Audacity for audio

kdenlive video editor for linux (Neil’s favorite)

OpenShot is open source video editor powerfull

Premiere & after effect product from adobe

ffmpeg & avconv are similars (like image magic but for video), convert tools

mplayer & vlc are players

for the class, when you have to embed video into browser be carefull of the format use mp4 H.264(AAC or mp3)

here are some common command lines used

Do not post very large video into gitlab 100mb quota repo, used few mb

scale images to 1000px and export (compress 75%)

use “convert” command line


draw it on paper


inkscape / freecad

try blender/ install fusion

make a demo video

try to use as many as possible


From Egypt : Openscad online: **Must see:

CAD Overview MC with ferdi

link for the siles

slides is a framework to make presentations

Ferdi is a former machanical engenier (german)

MIT video video in 1963 intruce constraints (sketchpad)

Autodesk founded in 1982 as cheap program

Catia v4


Ideas (siemens NX)

Catia V5

Creo (new version of pro engineer)

2 kinds of 3D softwares Mesh (like pixels) and nerbs (like splines/vector)

Mesh softs : 3DS Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Modo, Blender

Mash sculting softs : zbrush, mudbox, sculptris

nurbs softs:

siemens NX, Creo, Catia, SolidWorks, Fusio360, FreeCad

COnstructive Solid Geometry, constraints, hierarchical, parametric, procedural, algorithmic

model engine is called a kernel (there are 10 of them)

direct modelling soft: PTC Creo, DS (Design Spark) mechanical, Rhino, autodesk alias

T-splines: 3DS, Maya, Rhino, fusion 360, T.splines

Voxels: (are like 3S pixels vs polygons vs nurbs)

mesh:stl, obj nurbs:step, iges (to avoid), rhino?? voxels:a lot, no standard yet

autodesk, project monolith

function representation

f-rep soft: antinomy look at the source code !

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