ab Academy 2013

Networking and communication

For this week's assignment a wired network and/or a wireless network, with at least two nodes, has to be build.

Thanks to Santi Fuentemilla and Providence for their contribution to this work.

This task is going to be divided into 3 sections:

        1.    Construction of the cards

        2.    Programming

        3.    Communication

1.-Card construccion

First we built the cards.




hello.bus.45.node (from this card you have to make 2)




2. - Programming:

These are the methods that I used made by Santi Fuentimilla:

•    First, download the C code and the makefile hello.bus from here.
•    For each node of the network, the "hello.bus.45.c" must be modify.
•    You need to change the line: # define node_id '0 '-> each node must have a different number (0, 1, 2, 3 - for which each additional node added.
•    And later the boards flash with 3 different node numbers.
Download files Networking (AVR Studio 6)

                                Programming Module AVR Studio 6                                       avrdude

3. - Communication

I connected  the bus and the nodes together, after they have been programmed., and using the FTDI cable I made the connection to the PC to have communication between them, and? from the arduino. I opened the Arduino serial monitor selecting the COM2 port and the transfer speed of 9600 baudios.

                       Choosing the Port                                         Arduino Serial Monitor

Since I am a beginner in electronics part make and read data from one of the Hello World board examples provided.