I had many problems performing the exercise. First, Fab takes a long time to install modules on a PC; because I have a Windows system and according to the tutorials it is very difficult to install, so Ubuntu was installed on my PC instead.

Since I had installed Ubuntu on my PC, I had to do the cloning process servers to install the fab modules again, but once I succeeded I had another difficulty. The models of the MDX40 Roland machines work with Windows, but not with Ubuntu, so this is another  issue that I have to solve. I am still waiting for  a response from the machine supplier to see if I can install the software for Mac, and I hope so.

I Performed a practice in the same way as the exercise 3 computer-controlled cutting.


First of all, I got the ladder circuit echo hello-world board, and I drew it in Corel Draw for Rhino, and then I passed it to fit  to be send to print to the Roland models.

I had many problems because of the size of the image, and the tool that I was going  to use is a 1/64", and I still cannot find a 1/32" for an optimal exercise.
At the meeting a fellow supernode from Lima told us that we could do it with a dentist router, so this is the option that I will use later on.
Once I had the drawing in rhino, I continued to set the height of roughing; see my blog on the other exercise and the making procedure.

Download file make board (eagle fabisp.rar)

The models the tablet finally finished and here is the result


After several problems I am back!

Thanks to the tutorial of David A. Mellis.

For performing welding the following tools were used.

1. - Cautin regular tip
2. - Ceramic Cautin
3. - Extractor
4. - Watchmaker Loupe
5. - Loupe with light

 After I finished welding it is so tablet.

Connections were made with purchase AVRISP mkii and the FabISP and proceed with the programming


 Was conducted ISP programming

Connection is made ​​the first AVR programmer with Fab ISP

 Open the AVR studio 6,

Download Files programming FabISP (Programacion FabISP.rar)

This opens the Tool menu and select AVR Studio module programming device


 Select the programmer to use the device to be programmed, the type of interface to use and apply the changes

Find the program to use to be loaded into the FabISP


The AVR Programmer ISP Fab is loaded to the software for a proper function.


It is shown on the screen the success of the program.

I had some problems with the previous tablet and make a new one, after programming the tablet (fabisp) the computer recognizes the ATtiny and can only install the driver, in my case for 64-bit windows

Final work