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Table of Contents

Starting with the global session on Wednesday, January 24, the Fab Academy 2024 continues until July. Here is the table of the assignments for each week. You can click the following link to see what and how I have learned:

Individual Assignments

Week Assignments and Activities
Week 1. Principles and Practices, Project Management
Week 2. Computer-Aided Design
Week 3. Computer-Controlled Cutting
Week 4. Electronics Production
Week 5. 3D Scanning and Printing
Week 6. Embedded Programming
Week 7. Computer Controlled Machining
Week 8. Electronics Design
Week 9. Output Devices
Week 10. Mechanical Design, Machine Design
Week 11. Input Devices
Week 12. Molding and Casting
Week 13. Networking and Communications
Week 14. Interface and Application Programming
Week 15. Wildcard Week”Digital Embroidery”
Week 16. System Integration
Week 17. Applications and Implications
Week 18. Invention, Intellectual Property and Income
Week 19. Project Presentation

Last update: June 3, 2024