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Interface & Application Programming

Group assignment:

  • Compare as many tool options as possible.
  • Document your work on the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned.

Individual assignment

  • Write an application that interfaces a user with input and/or output device(s) on a board that you made.

Tkinter and pyserial

As I restarted my final project from scratch, I won't have too much time this week to try a lot of APIs. I don't need them for my final project. Even, as a former web developer, it's a topic that interests me a lot and can be really fun.

I already discover Processing in the Input devices' week, so I thought trying something else will be cool. With the help of Marcello and Ahmed, I discovered the Python Library Tkinter.

I'm not a real Python developer, but I know a bit. I used Jupyter to compile the Python code.

Windows with label

So first let's create an instance of Tkinter and add a Label.

Here is the code:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

# Creating a Label Widget
myLabel = Label(root, text="Hello World!")

# Showing it onto the screen


Then we can play with the grid function and add a Title to the window.

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()
root.title("fab Lab Kamp-lintfort")

# creating a label widget

myLabel1 = Label(root, text="Hello Word1")
myLabel2 = Label(root, text="Hello Word2")

myLabel1.grid(row=0, column=0)
myLabel2.grid(row=1, column=0)


Buttons and interaction

Now we can create a Button, and add a function to it. It just shows a label once it has been clicked.

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()
root.title("fab Lab Kamp-lintfort")

def myClick():
myLabel= Label(root, text="look I clicked")

# creating a label widget

myButton = Button(root, text="Click me", command=myClick, padx=50, pady=50)


Another interaction can be with input fields.

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()
root.title("fab Lab Kamp-lintfort")

def myClick():
myLabel= Label(root, text=e.get()) # Get the value of the input and show it

# creating a label widget

myButton = Button(root, text="Click me", command=myClick, padx=50, pady=50)

# Create an input field

e = Entry(root)



The tkinter library is useful to draw some "structures" in the window with the help of the Canvas class. We can then create rectangles, lines, etc.

from tkinter import *

window = 200 #window size

root = Tk()
myCanvas = Canvas(root, width=2*window, height=window, background='white')
myCanvas.create_rectangle(window, 0, 2*window, window, tags='rest', fill='#b00000')


So now We can make the canvas interactive. When I click on the button, it changes the color of the rectangle.

from tkinter import *

window = 200 #window size

root = Tk()
color_state = 0

# Function that changes the color of the rectangle between red and blue

def myClick():
global color_state
if(color_state == 0):
myCanvas.itemconfig('rect', fill="#b00000")
color_state = 1
myCanvas.itemconfig('rect', fill="#0000b0")
color_state = 0

myCanvas = Canvas(root, width=window, height=window, background='white')
myCanvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, window, window, tags='rect', fill='#b00000')

# creating a Button that call *myClick* function

myButton = Button(root, text="Click me", command=myClick, padx=50, pady=50)


Read and write on an MCU

It's nice to be able to create a quick and nice interface, but we are at the Fab Academy, so we need to talk to an MCU. I have an XIAO SAMD21 with a built-in LED and a touch sensor. So let's talk to it.

First, I need to initiate a Serial communication. For that, there is the pyserial library. I want to write but also read the serial communication with a loop. But I did some first tries, and the loop had some conflicts with the interface loop of tkinter. So I decided to use a separate thread for the serial.

I create a SerialThread class, that I'll instantiate later. So first I need to create the constructor that will connect to my SAMD21. I ask to ChatGPT for some help here.

import threading
import serial

# Serial port settings
PORT = 'COM10' # The port of my SAMD21

# A Class for serial communication
class SerialThread(threading.Thread):
"""Thread to read data from the serial port"""

def __init__(self):
self.running = True
self.ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUDRATE, timeout=1)
self.ser.bytesize = 8 # Number of data bits = 8
self.ser.parity ='N' # No parity
self.ser.stopbits = 1 # Number of Stop bits = 1ser.setDTR()

I then added a run function to read and change the color of the canvas (see later), a stop function to close the serial and a sednState function to send the state to the SAMD21.

    def run(self):
global color_state
while self.running:
# Read data from the serial port
state = self.ser.readline().decode().strip()
if ((state == '0' or state == '1') and color_state != int(state)):
color_state = int(state)

def stop(self):
self.running = False

def sendState(self):
global color_state

I then create a simple canvas with a rectangle that will change color and a button.

from tkinter import *
import time

# Create a tkinter window and some buttons to control the variable state
root = Tk()
color_state = 0
window = 200 #window size

myCanvas = Canvas(root, width=window, height=window, background='white')
myCanvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, window, window, tags='rect', fill='#b00000')

myButton = Button(root, text="Click me", command=myClick, padx=50, pady=50)


I then create 3 functions to sendState, changeColor and myClick (to handle a click).

# Define a function to send the variable state to the Arduino
def sendState():

# Define a function to change the color of the canvas
def changeColor():
global color_state
if(color_state == 0):
myCanvas.itemconfig('rect', fill="#b00000")
myCanvas.itemconfig('rect', fill="#0000b0")

# A function to handle a click
def myClick():
global color_state
if (color_state == 0):
color_state = 1
color_state = 0

So I'm almost done. I only need to initialize a serial communication, handle the closing of the windows and launch tkinter.

# Create the serial reader thread and start it
serial_com = SerialThread()

def on_closing():
# Stop the serial reader thread and close the serial port

# Bind the close event to stop the serial reader thread and close the serial port
root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', on_closing)

# Start GUI main loop

Handle the serial on Arduino IDE

Ok, I have a Python program to write and read on the serial port of the SAMD21. But I need to push some code on the board to handle this communication and push some information too in the serial port.

So here I work with colorState variable of 0 or 1. The idea is to be able to both change the color in the canvas and also to light the built-in LED on the board. Either by clicking on the button in the interface or by touching the touch sensor.

So first I need to include the Bounce library to handle the noise that a touch sensor can have, so I can properly read it. Then I instantiate the colorState, set the pins for the touch button and the built-in LED and start the Serial communication.

#include <Bounce2.h>

const int button_pin = 0;
int colorState = 0; //red serial button
Bounce button_debouncer = Bounce();

void setup()
pinMode(button_pin, INPUT);

Then I create a simple function to toggle the built-in LED state.

void toggleLED() {
case 1:
colorState = 0;
case 0: //your code
colorState = 1;
}//end of switch()

Finally, I can set the loop function to read the serial when the button is clicked and write on the serial when the touch sensor when it's touched.

void loop()

if (Serial.available())
str state =;
colorState = = state.toInt();

if (button_debouncer.rose() == true)

Here is the result, we can see both the built-in LED turning on and off and the rectangle changing color by clicking or touching the sensor.

I also retry to do the exact same exercise on my board made during Week 8, it's an based on an XIAO ESP32-C3. The only thing that change is that ESP32 doesn't have a built-in LED. But I added an addressable LED on the board, so I just had to change LED_BUILTIN fo D3 in the Arduino code and chose the correct port in the Python programme. And here is a video of the result:


Here are the files of the week: